Digital Marketing in Indonesia

With a population of about 272.1million people, Indonesia holds incredible opportunities for local startups and foreign enterprises aiming to penetrate the market.

The rate of internet and social media use are rapidly climbing, with one survey recording 174 million active internet users in 2019 – an increase of 17 percent from the previous year. Indonesia is dominated by the younger generation, side by side a growing middle-and-affluent-consumer class, who are tech-savvy and eager to spend their money on purchasing new products and services.

This article will discuss Indonesia’s digital marketing environment, its biggest channels, industry challenges and opportunities, as well as the best possible ways on how to reach the Indonesian audience.

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Digital Marketing in Taiwan

Taiwan is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and over the past few years, its e-commerce market has also solidified as an excellent site for investment. In 2020 , the country was estimated to have a US$27 billion market value, with an estimated average annual growth rate of 13%. Its capitalist and export-driven economical approach has created a comprehensive foundation for the e-commerce realm, and the money flow and distribution service providers allow for smooth transactions. These place the country as one of the most dynamic trading powerhouses in the world today.

Taiwan has also taken the age of globalization in stride and hosted a sophisticated consumer market. While English is also used, messages will be more effective when carried out in their primary language, Mandarin Chinese, or a combination of Mandarin-English that must be simple and easy to understand. Other important facets of the Taiwanese market are that they are loyal to brands, respond well to a personalized approach, and give importance to environmental care, behaviors that will be further discussed in the article. To sum it up, brand identity should be a focal point of marketers in building their strategies to successfully connect with the Taiwanese audience.

Currently, the e-commerce market in Taiwan has expanded to strategies such as live broadcast promotion on social media and the use of big data and AI to merge traditional and modern platforms. However, Taiwan is currently at a conundrum regarding its economical state on the international scale. It currently faces problems with underdeveloped infrastructure, pollution, among other issues, places the country in the gap between developed and emerging countries.

This article will discuss Taiwan’s digital marketing environment, industry challenges and opportunities, successful campaigns, as well as the best possible ways on how to reach the Taiwanese audience.

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Digital Marketing in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, an astoundingly vibrant city that rarely sleeps, offers visitors a mix of the traditional and modern. With a population of 7.47 million in January 2020, it is regarded as the world’s most vertical city. Hong Kong is an exceptional city-state that has developed into one of the top-ranked global cities in terms of per capita GDP, partly because of its strategic location in Southeast Asia.

Hong Kong has had the highest degree of economic freedom in the world since 1995 according to the Index of Economic Freedom. The city’s economy depends highly on international trade and finance and is governed under positive non-interventionism. Due to these conditions, it is considered as among the most favorable places to start a company.

Hong Kong holds a lot of potential when it comes to developing a digital marketing strategy due to its status as a multicultural hub in Asia and its proximity to China. However, there are various challenges as well. This article will discuss Hong Kong’s digital marketing environment, industry challenges and opportunities, successful campaigns, as well as the best possible ways on how to reach the audience.

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A Global View of SEM

World Advertising Expenditure by Medium

According to the Global Ad Spend Forecast by DAN, there was a 1.7% change in online advertising spending when compared from 2018 to 2019. 

Digging deeper and looking at the numbers by region,  Asia-Pacific decreased by 3%, South America by 2.5%, and West Europe by 1.9%. While  South America’s overall expenditure is still at a relatively small scale, the region saw a significant decrease in online advertising budget.

This and other data shows that in almost every continent, internet marketing is becoming an ever more indispensable form of advertising.

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Multilingual Online Marketing Fundamentals

If you are thinking about starting a multilingual SEM campaign, you will need to prepare yourself much more than you would for any domestic marketing campaign you’ve done.

Everything from technical SEM to the process of keyword selection and copywriting needs to be considered within the framework of the new country in which you will be marketing.

In this chapter, I will go over the essential points to remember when conducting multilingual SEM so that you can start your venture off on the right path. Continue reading “Multilingual Online Marketing Fundamentals”

Why do Digital Marketing in Asia

Did you know nearly half of the world’s Internet users reside in Asia?

That’s right: 50.4% of the planet’s online community is in Asia. Numerous companies are increasing their investments in Asian economies, and it’s not just large corporations, but small and mid-sized businesses, too.

In fact, it is becoming much more common to see Western companies with Asian language websites.

By having an Asian language website, companies are able to market their business online in Asia via various channels, one of which is search engine marketing (SEM).

SEM is a popular, global form of online marketing that many Western companies have started utilizing as a means of reaching customers in Asia.

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