Digital Marketing in Indonesia

With a population of about 272.1million people, Indonesia holds incredible opportunities for local startups and foreign enterprises aiming to penetrate the market.

The rate of internet and social media use are rapidly climbing, with one survey recording 174 million active internet users in 2019 – an increase of 17 percent from the previous year. Indonesia is dominated by the younger generation, side by side a growing middle-and-affluent-consumer class, who are tech-savvy and eager to spend their money on purchasing new products and services.

This article will discuss Indonesia’s digital marketing environment, its biggest channels, industry challenges and opportunities, as well as the best possible ways on how to reach the Indonesian audience.

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Digital Marketing in Vietnam

Vietnam is a country of incredible beauty located in Southeast Asia. Described by Lonely Planet as “exotic and compelling,” this picturesque country has drastically improved in terms of social media and digital marketing landscape. The country’s only official language is Vietnamese (tiếng Việt).

The World Bank estimates that Vietnam’s US$200 billion economy is likely to rise to a trillion dollars by 2035. Over half of its population, compared with only 11% today, is anticipated to join the ranks of the global middle class with daily consumption of US$15 or more. About 30% of the population are purchasing goods and services over the internet in 2020, with each consumer spending an average of US$350 per year.

As one of Asia’s rapidly developing economies and youngest populations, Vietnam is a fascinating market. This young and dynamic country offers enormous commercial opportunities for both small and big brands, marketers and investors. This can be attributed to the digital trends in Vietnam that are emerging quickly in every notable sector.

This article will discuss Vietnam’s digital marketing environment, industry challenges and opportunities, successful campaigns, as well as the best possible ways on how to reach the Vietnamese audience.

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Digital Marketing in Thailand

Thailand is a Southeast Asian country that is well-known for its beautiful beaches, opulent palaces, and ancient Buddha temples. The people there mainly speak in Thai, with English rarely being used beyond the classrooms. Also, social media and other digital technologies are quickly becoming a part of the Thai people’s everyday lives.

As of the moment, Thailand is experiencing a huge growth of online consumers. Currently one of the leading countries in internet and mobile internet usage, a majority of Thailand’s youth and middle-aged people have access to the internet through their mobile devices. The country’s digital market is also expected to grow rapidly by the year 2020.  With Thailand’s high digital penetration rates and the prospective digital marketing industry, there are a lot of opportunities available for those who wish to make the most out of the country’s online market.

This article will discuss Thailand’s digital marketing environment, its biggest channels, industry trends and opportunities, successful campaigns, and the best possible ways on how to reach the Thai audience.

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