An Introduction to 360 Search

Characteristics of 360 Search, China’s 2nd Largest Search Engine

This time we are going to talk about paid search on China’s 360 Search, which is the engine that holds the 3rdlargest share of the search market in China, after Sogou.

For most of the world, it’s Google AdWords. In Japan, where we are located, the search market is divided roughly evenly between Google AdWords and Yahoo! Japan.

For China, it’s Baidu, Sogou, and 360 Search.

When expanding into China, many people consider Baidu first for their paid search advertising. But in fact, 360 Search’s features, such as its admin screen and settings, are very similar to Google AdWords’, which means it makes it a lot easier to understand and manage than Baidu.

360 Search allows for not only search ads, but display ads as well, so popular display remarketing is also an option.

It even features dynamic remarketing functions as well, so in many ways, it imitates Google AdWords and is a very approachable engine to start marketing online in China.

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The Chinese Online Market

Population 1,440,735,126 WORLDOMETER
Internet population 854,500,000 WE ARE SOCIAL
Internet use 59% WE ARE SOCIAL
Scale of online advertising market 52.51 billion USD WE ARE SOCIAL
  • 72.4% of Chinese Internet users’ monthly income is under 5,000 RMB (790 USD) (CNNIC).
  • 58% of Internet users access the Internet via PC, while 95% prefer mobile (We Are Social).
  • Approximately 1.136 billion Chinese will be a part of the online community by 2025 (Statista).
  • In China, approximately 25,000,000 million people become part of the online community annually (We Are Social).
  • 71.8% of Internet users in China live in metropolitan areas (CNNIC).
  • 1.6% of Internet users in China access it at Internet cafes (CNNIC).
  • Chinese Internet users spend an average of 5.50 hours online per day (We Are Social).
  • 837,410,000 Chinese (98% of the Internet community) chat online (We Are Social).
  • 850,440,000 Chinese (94% of the Internet community) watch videos online (Statista).
  • 59% of Internet users play online games (Statista).
  • Chinese aged 20-29 make up the largest group of Internet users. They spend an average of 5 hours online daily ( We Are Social).
  • In China, approximately 195 million searches are performed on search engine Baidu daily (We Are Social) and 750 million Chinese users use search engines (Statista.
  • The search engine marketing industry grew 25 billion USD from 2019 to 2020 (China Internet Watch).
  • 81% of online shoppers ask for recommendations from friends or family before they make a purchase.
  • In 2019, the value of the Chinese e-commerce market was 1.94 trillion USD (Tenba Group).
  • The results of a survey of the most trustworthy sites in China were (1st), (2nd) 360 buy, and (3rd) Tmall (DCCI).
  • 319,000,000 Chinese (59% of Internet users) have their own blog (CNNIC).
  • Sina Weibo, the largest Chinese social networking service (SNS,) has 550,000,000 users, and 100,000,000 articles are posted online each day (Statista).
  • Due to Chinese government regulations, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are inaccessible in China.

Continue reading “The Chinese Online Market”