The Chinese Online Market

Population 1,440,735,126 WORLDOMETER
Internet population 854,500,000 WE ARE SOCIAL
Internet use 59% WE ARE SOCIAL
Scale of online advertising market 52.51 billion USD WE ARE SOCIAL
  • 72.4% of Chinese Internet users’ monthly income is under 5,000 RMB (790 USD) (CNNIC).
  • 58% of Internet users access the Internet via PC, while 95% prefer mobile (We Are Social).
  • Approximately 1.136 billion Chinese will be a part of the online community by 2025 (Statista).
  • In China, approximately 25,000,000 million people become part of the online community annually (We Are Social).
  • 71.8% of Internet users in China live in metropolitan areas (CNNIC).
  • 1.6% of Internet users in China access it at Internet cafes (CNNIC).
  • Chinese Internet users spend an average of 5.50 hours online per day (We Are Social).
  • 837,410,000 Chinese (98% of the Internet community) chat online (We Are Social).
  • 850,440,000 Chinese (94% of the Internet community) watch videos online (Statista).
  • 59% of Internet users play online games (Statista).
  • Chinese aged 20-29 make up the largest group of Internet users. They spend an average of 5 hours online daily ( We Are Social).
  • In China, approximately 195 million searches are performed on search engine Baidu daily (We Are Social) and 750 million Chinese users use search engines (Statista.
  • The search engine marketing industry grew 25 billion USD from 2019 to 2020 (China Internet Watch).
  • 81% of online shoppers ask for recommendations from friends or family before they make a purchase.
  • In 2019, the value of the Chinese e-commerce market was 1.94 trillion USD (Tenba Group).
  • The results of a survey of the most trustworthy sites in China were (1st), (2nd) 360 buy, and (3rd) Tmall (DCCI).
  • 319,000,000 Chinese (59% of Internet users) have their own blog (CNNIC).
  • Sina Weibo, the largest Chinese social networking service (SNS,) has 550,000,000 users, and 100,000,000 articles are posted online each day (Statista).
  • Due to Chinese government regulations, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are inaccessible in China.

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