Chinese Influencer Marketing

China, the second-largest economy in the world, is still relatively uncharted territory for numerous foreign brands. Due to the differences between Western and Chinese social media landscapes, approaching target audiences effectively and efficiently can be a big challenge to marketers. For most established brands in China, one of the best solutions to this problem is to work with Chinese influencers.

China is a vast country that is composed of numerous markets. Hence, consumers from different regions and diverse groups do not share the same needs nor experience the same trends. Rolling out a one-size-fits-all strategy won’t be effective, and it would be expensive and time-consuming to create individual strategies that are tailored for each sub-market. For that reason, collaborating with KOLs who regularly communicate with their followers helps brands reach their target audience more quickly and easily.

In fact, according to the 2019 Unlock the Full Potential of Social Media Marketing in China Report, 81% of brands interviewed in China responded that they would continue to concentrate on social media marketing. 80% indicated they would increase their collaboration with influencers in terms of promoting their brands or products because they believe in the Return on Investment (ROI) of influencer marketing. China is estimated to spend $8 billion on Instagram influencers alone.

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Naver Blog Guide

Since its debut in 1999, Naver has remained as the number one online platform in South Korea, with over a 75% foothold on the country’s search engine market. It’s the first in the world to introduce the comprehensive search service, which has expanded to include different segments such as news, blogs, and even a Q&A database. Naver also pioneered user-generated content, allowing users to browse a variety of rich media content tailored to their interests. As such, Naver is not just a web portal, but a social search engine that helps users easily find more relevant results to their searches.

Naver’s services have seen equal success with the South Korean market, such as Naver Blog, one of the most important digital platforms in the country right now. With its own segment on the Naver search engine, South Korean users flock to this page for online travel research, product reviews, food culture, and so much more. Additionally, thousands of influencers are on the service, thus, it is an important platform for influencer marketing strategies. Thus, businesses looking to penetrate the market must create their business plans around the unique role of Naver Blog among their audiences.

This article will discuss Naver Blog, one of Naver’s main services, its basic functions, and features, how to open an account, and examples of brands utilizing the service.

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Social Media Marketing Trends in Asia

In Asia, everyday life is becoming increasingly digital. As such, the region covers a formidable chunk of the global social media landscape. Eastern Asia has the highest social media penetration rate in the world at 71%. North America comes in second with 69%.

However, Asia’s social media landscape is different compared to the West. In most Asian countries, native platforms dominate the online scene instead of giants like Facebook and Twitter, who are then forced to compete in the market. With the large and diversified culture present, a variety of different strategies are needed to achieve success within each country in the region. It may seem a daunting task, but this can be made significantly easier by laying the groundwork through social listening in its major social channels.

This article will discuss Asia’s social media environment, the biggest social media marketing trends, opportunities, major channels, and success stories.

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Korean Influencer Marketing

One of the biggest marketing trends in this age of digitalization rides on the prevalence of social media influencers. Thanks to the accessibility of social media, these influencers are not only exclusive to celebrities. With the right content and audience, literally anyone can have a huge, loyal fanbase with just as much influence as a Hollywood celebrity – and maybe even more.

As people become accustomed to the use of technology in their daily lives, they also become more particular with the products and services they want. Additionally, the constant influx of online content further shortens their attention spans. Brands must now take on the challenge of creating content that stands out and communicates on a personal level with their target audience. With the right social media influencer, brands can effectively deliver the value of their campaigns and achieve fantastic results.

In South Korea, businesses have quickly integrated this trend into their social media campaigns. The country places third for the largest social media penetration rate in the world at 87%. With the younger generation spending more time on social media platforms, the Korean online landscape can definitely offer vital insights into the unique function and power of influencer marketing.

This article will discuss the status of influencer marketing in Korea, particularly its most popular social media platforms and influencers, and ways on how to reach them.

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Line Marketing in Japan

Since its introduction in 2011, LINE has grown to become the most popular messaging app in various Asian countries, such as Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, and Japan. Especially in Japan, LINE has become so ingrained into the culture that it is also the most popular social networking service (SNS) that functions as a multi-functional, lifestyle platform. Within the app is a multitude of features users can enjoy, spanning from games, group video, hardware digital assistants, and even taxi and delivery services.

LINE is a strong marketing tool for businesses looking to advertise to the Japanese market. With its 84 million monthly active users (MAUs) in the country, it can reach a wider range of users compared to other SNS platforms. Additionally, the app has shown steady and consistent increase in its user base over the years. Paired with the right strategies, brands can drive the right kind of traffic that converts to more sales and leads.

With this, digital marketers should heavily invest in advertising on LINE if they are looking to penetrate a huge part of the Japanese digital sphere.

This article will discuss in detail the scale of the dominance of LINE in Japan, its various features, and the best ways for brands to optimize them in their digital marketing strategies.

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Digital Marketing in Germany

Online Marketing is an aspect of marketing which continues to grow unabated. Especially in recent years, the immense growth defies any projection making books and journals written just 2-3 years ago appear outdated. The ever-changing digital landscape might make it difficult to keep up to date at all times, especially for marketers. Universities using relatively obsolete material to teach their students result in companies having to invest considerable amounts of company resources to train them just as they come out of university.

In this case, it is useful to gain a certain overview of the different characteristics of the digital landscape in specific countries. Germany is of particular importance, due to the sheer size of its market and influence. In order to develop a fitting marketing strategy, it is crucial to understand the intricacies of the culture present in the country. The varied digital landscape present in Germany offers diverse opportunities which allow companies to develop a competitive advantage in their respective industries.

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Digital Marketing in New Zealand

New Zealand is a country that, at the mere mention of its name, inspires images of vast landscapes, Hollywood-level sceneries, and diversity. The country is especially known for its deeply ingrained Māori roots, making it one of the most culturally rich countries in the modern world. Majority of its 4.80  million population speak English, which is the dominant official language. Other official languages are Māori and NZ Sign Language.

The country is developed and ranks highly at the global scale in terms of quality of life, health, education, protection of civil liberties, and economic freedom. Digital is also a growing industry, but certain global trends have yet to penetrate the New Zealand market. However, marketers should still pay attention to trends on the global scene and be quick to implement them in their strategies to stay ahead of the game.

With the country’s 93% internet penetration rate, commitment to digitalization, the dominance of Google, and wide use of social media, the digital marketing industry presents a rich site for both local and international businesses to thrive.

This article will discuss New Zealand’s digital marketing environment, its biggest channels, industry challenges, and opportunities, as well as the best possible ways on how to reach the Kiwi audience.

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Digital Marketing in Australia

Australia is the smallest continent and one of the largest countries in the world. It comprises the Australian continent, Tasmania, and other smaller islands. The nation is also known for its wealthy underpopulated demographic, fantastic natural wonders, and most notable for being geographically isolated from the rest of the globe.

The English-speaking nation is a highly developed, high-income country and is the world’s 14th largest economy. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the nation has the world’s 21st-highest per capita income. Furthermore, it is considered as a melting pot of various cultures as 22% of its population are immigrants, making it the 9th largest immigrant population in the world. More representations of its progressiveness are shown through having the third-highest human development index and high rank in terms of quality of life, health, education, economic freedom, civil liberties, and political rights.

The digital side of the business industry in Australia is thriving as businesses spend more on digital media ads than ever before, and this is expected to continue increasing over the coming years. With the booming e-commerce industry and fast adoption of smart technologies, the digital landscape in the country presents space for more growth and promising opportunities for marketers.

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Digital Marketing in China

The People’s Republic of China is undoubtedly one of the leading drivers of the modern digital age, both in Asia and on a global scale. The country has Standard Chinese as its official language and holds one of the largest middle-class in the world. With its 1.44 billion population, the Chinese market is a massive site of opportunity that is highly-coveted and invested in by international brands.

Digital marketing in China holds many opportunities for exploration and the integration of new technologies. In fact, data from eMarketer show that advertisers will increase their digital  ad spend to 5% for this year despite the pandemic’s disruptions in China’s economy.. That brings the estimated ad spend to a total of $75.33 billion. With consumers’ comfortability with online shopping and the blurring lines between social and e-commerce, marketers are now seeking strategies that focus on social commerce.

With the tech-savviness of Chinese consumers, cheap broadband, and a dynamic online landscape, the digital marketing industry will continue to thrive. However, marketers must note that an all-in-one approach will not work for such a massive and diverse market like China. Certain planning and strategies must be developed in order for brands to generate visibility and engagement in the Chinese market.

This article will discuss China’s digital marketing environment, industry challenges and opportunities, successful campaigns, as well as the best possible ways of reaching the Chinese audience.

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Digital Marketing in India

With a population reaching 1.37 billion, India is considered the twenty-eighth most densely populated country in the world. This sheer number guarantees that the country holds so much potential and can provide a lot of opportunities for both foreign enterprises and local startups alike.

Despite the country’s low current internet penetration rate, India’s digital market is anticipated to grow rapidly in the coming years. This growth makes the country attractive to businesses aiming to explore the region. However, there are also several risks associated with penetrating the Indian market.

This article will discuss India’s digital marketing environment, industry challenges and opportunities, successful campaigns, as well as the best possible ways on how to reach the Indian audience.

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