B2B vs B2C: Web Design Differences

Is your company’s website aware of the distinction between B2B vs B2C website design? And is it strategically built and operated?

A B2B business website’s goal is to acquire leads and inquiries; as such, it has a significantly different structure than a B2C business website.

At Info Cubic Japan, we collaborate with various B2B businesses in the manufacturing and IT sectors. Therefore, the crucial components of a global B2B site’s fundamental design, which are commonly absent, are valued by many B2B organizations.

As a result, we’d like to discuss the differences between B2B vs B2C website design, particularly for digital marketers and global site managers in the B2B business. Continue reading “B2B vs B2C: Web Design Differences”

Digital Marketing in The Philippines

With over 360 million online users, Southeast Asia has one of the most rapidly evolving digital industries across the globe. Increased activity in social media, internet, digital media, and in mobile has demonstrated the enormous marketing potential that businesses can explore in the region.

Among the several digital economies within the region, the Philippines stands in the frontlines. With more than 73 million users, the country has ranked 12th in internet usage worldwide for 2020. The exponential growth of the Philippines’ very substantial digital marketing ecosystem in recent years makes the country very attractive to business owners exploring for opportunities within the Southeast Asian region.

This article will discuss the Philippines’ digital marketing environment, industry challenges and opportunities, successful campaigns, as well as the best possible ways on how to reach the Filipino audience.

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Line Marketing in Japan

Since its introduction in 2011, LINE has grown to become the most popular messaging app in various Asian countries, such as Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, and Japan. Especially in Japan, LINE has become so ingrained into the culture that it is also the most popular social networking service (SNS) that functions as a multi-functional, lifestyle platform. Within the app is a multitude of features users can enjoy, spanning from games, group video, hardware digital assistants, and even taxi and delivery services.

LINE is a strong marketing tool for businesses looking to advertise to the Japanese market. With its 84 million monthly active users (MAUs) in the country, it can reach a wider range of users compared to other SNS platforms. Additionally, the app has shown steady and consistent increase in its user base over the years. Paired with the right strategies, brands can drive the right kind of traffic that converts to more sales and leads.

With this, digital marketers should heavily invest in advertising on LINE if they are looking to penetrate a huge part of the Japanese digital sphere.

This article will discuss in detail the scale of the dominance of LINE in Japan, its various features, and the best ways for brands to optimize them in their digital marketing strategies.

Continue reading “Line Marketing in Japan”