Video Production

JTB Corporation

Case Summary


Japan is facing inbound markets with rapidly increasing demands. Among these are foreign exchange students seeking to come to Japan mainly on "educational vacations." JTB decided to create a video which would function as a sales tool to increase awareness of these vacations and the appeal of choosing Japan as a destination. When it came to selecting a partner with whom to create these videos, they called out to us at Info Cubic Japan due to our wealth of overseas digital marketing experience and the fact that we have a great number of non-Japanese employees.


We brought our camera team and accompanied high school students who had come to Japan for an educational vacation. We then shot and edited videos of their unique Japan experiences, including their reactions to Japanese cuisine, beautiful landscapes and meeting local people for the first time. We had a diverse team, with an American director, cameramen from the UK and Hong Kong, and a Japanese producer. As well as choosing to communicate in English, without any interpreters, we managed to create an authentic video which captures not only natural looks and comments but also the emotions of our subjects.
In addition, when it came to the structure of the video, after inquiring as to JTB's aims for the video, we at Info Cubic Japan utilized our accrued digital marketing knowledge to submit ideas which would help to effectively relate the message of the overseas visitors.


Alongside beautiful camerawork which captured the appeal of tourist spots, the natural comments and reactions of the exchange students in Japan, as well as their interactions with local people, we managed to create a video that would not have been possible without such an international team. The resulting video not only acts as a sales tool, but as a product which effectively exemplifies both JTB's brand slogan of "Perfect moments, always" and their campaign message ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, "Bridging the New: Connections Lead to Beginnings."