
Track your marketing campaigns and website user experience accurately to effectively analyze and improve upon your current marketing strategy

Data-Backed Japanese Market Insight

Custom Reporting & Consulting

Website Auditing

Is your website giving you the results you want?

All websites operate with some kind of purpose, such as driving leads, selling products, or increasing brand awareness. Defining the purpose of your site is crucial as it gets to the heart of your business strategy. It’s impossible to determine what your website’s purpose is and the results you should achieve without this data. Our digital marketers and site developers will utilize all analytical tools to evaluate and subsequently increase the effectiveness of your online marketing campaigns.


Once your site tag has been implemented, our ongoing PDCA cycle of analyzing, reporting and site improvements will be implemented so that we can continuously optimize your online marketing performance.

  • 1LP Creation
  • 2Tracking Code Implementation
  • 3Data Gathering & Analysis
  • 4Reporting & Improvement Proposals
  • 5Site Improvements Implemented
  • 6Data Gathering & Analysis
  • 7Reporting & Improvement Proposals

Project Management Structure

In order to provide the best support possible, our teams are led by bilingual digital marketers who manage all the individuals involved in the analysis, reporting and implementation of your website/landing page modifications. This ensures that communication between you and our project operators are quick and accurate.

Our Tools

Google Analytics