
I have always wanted to work heavily with the APAC region and being able to acquire new skills in digital marketing made Info Cubic a good choice for me.
Digital Marketing Team Consultant Tony

Why did you decide to work in Japan?

I wanted to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone by working in a country that wasn’t predominantly English speaking.


What made you want to work for Info Cubic?

I have always wanted to work heavily with the APAC region and being able to acquire new skills in digital marketing made Info Cubic a good choice for me.

What do you do at Info Cubic?

General account management, adjusting bids daily according to campaign performance, interfacing with clients and partners through various means, reporting, and answering questions from clients and our partners.

How do you like your team?

My team is very international and even though we all speak different native languages communication and support has never been a big issue.

What kind of project would you like to be involved in the future?

I’d like to be involved in more creative projects, maybe creating content for social media campaigns and things of that nature.

Do you have a dream or a goal that you would like to accomplish?

I’d like to publish a children’s book.

Any messages to people living in the US that are willing to work in Japan?

Working in Japan is culturally different than in the States but there are opportunities that allow you to experience a fusion of western style work environment with Japanese ideals. It’s really up to you to find what situation works best with your work style. Good luck!




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