B2B vs B2C: Web Design Differences

Is your company’s website aware of the distinction between B2B vs B2C website design? And is it strategically built and operated?

A B2B business website’s goal is to acquire leads and inquiries; as such, it has a significantly different structure than a B2C business website.

At Info Cubic Japan, we collaborate with various B2B businesses in the manufacturing and IT sectors. Therefore, the crucial components of a global B2B site’s fundamental design, which are commonly absent, are valued by many B2B organizations.

As a result, we’d like to discuss the differences between B2B vs B2C website design, particularly for digital marketers and global site managers in the B2B business. Continue reading “B2B vs B2C: Web Design Differences”

How Japanese Website Design Differs From The West

Due to the fast-paced expansion of Western businesses to Asian markets, there is an urgent need to reach farther audiences in promoting and selling goods and services. In today’s digital world, the web has a crucial role in determining a business’s success. However, being able to win the hearts and minds of consumers that belong to such different cultures may pose a challenge for any marketer.
Continue reading “How Japanese Website Design Differs From The West”