Digital Marketing in Germany

Online Marketing is an aspect of marketing which continues to grow unabated. Especially in recent years, the immense growth defies any projection making books and journals written just 2-3 years ago appear outdated. The ever-changing digital landscape might make it difficult to keep up to date at all times, especially for marketers. Universities using relatively obsolete material to teach their students result in companies having to invest considerable amounts of company resources to train them just as they come out of university.

In this case, it is useful to gain a certain overview of the different characteristics of the digital landscape in specific countries. Germany is of particular importance, due to the sheer size of its market and influence. In order to develop a fitting marketing strategy, it is crucial to understand the intricacies of the culture present in the country. The varied digital landscape present in Germany offers diverse opportunities which allow companies to develop a competitive advantage in their respective industries.

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