Digital Marketing in New Zealand

New Zealand is a country that, at the mere mention of its name, inspires images of vast landscapes, Hollywood-level sceneries, and diversity. The country is especially known for its deeply ingrained Māori roots, making it one of the most culturally rich countries in the modern world. Majority of its 4.80  million population speak English, which is the dominant official language. Other official languages are Māori and NZ Sign Language.

The country is developed and ranks highly at the global scale in terms of quality of life, health, education, protection of civil liberties, and economic freedom. Digital is also a growing industry, but certain global trends have yet to penetrate the New Zealand market. However, marketers should still pay attention to trends on the global scene and be quick to implement them in their strategies to stay ahead of the game.

With the country’s 93% internet penetration rate, commitment to digitalization, the dominance of Google, and wide use of social media, the digital marketing industry presents a rich site for both local and international businesses to thrive.

This article will discuss New Zealand’s digital marketing environment, its biggest channels, industry challenges, and opportunities, as well as the best possible ways on how to reach the Kiwi audience.

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