Digital Marketing in Australia

Australia is the smallest continent and one of the largest countries in the world. It comprises the Australian continent, Tasmania, and other smaller islands. The nation is also known for its wealthy underpopulated demographic, fantastic natural wonders, and most notable for being geographically isolated from the rest of the globe.

The English-speaking nation is a highly developed, high-income country and is the world’s 14th largest economy. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the nation has the world’s 21st-highest per capita income. Furthermore, it is considered as a melting pot of various cultures as 22% of its population are immigrants, making it the 9th largest immigrant population in the world. More representations of its progressiveness are shown through having the third-highest human development index and high rank in terms of quality of life, health, education, economic freedom, civil liberties, and political rights.

The digital side of the business industry in Australia is thriving as businesses spend more on digital media ads than ever before, and this is expected to continue increasing over the coming years. With the booming e-commerce industry and fast adoption of smart technologies, the digital landscape in the country presents space for more growth and promising opportunities for marketers.

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