Many companies underestimate the complexity of marketing in Japan, leading to easily avoidable mistakes. Thoughtful preparation will help you avoid pitfalls that can negatively affect your marketing efforts in the long run.
In This Article
Today, we’ll discuss common Japan marketing mistakes made by foreign companies, and how to ensure you don’t follow these examples.
Japan Marketing Mistake #1: No Properly Localized Website
If you’ve ever visited a typical Japanese website, you’ll notice stark differences from what you’re used to in the West. Web design choices that may be “bad practice” in the US are actually crucial to connecting with Japanese audiences. Western websites are largely minimalist, while in Japan they’re visually busy. Two main influences of this contrast are:
How Japanese People Consume/Read Content
Westerners are typically linear readers. Japanese, on the other hand, read in zones. While an American might feel disoriented perusing a Japanese website, a native will view it as perfectly organized.
The Trust Factor
According to a 2020 survey of 26 countries, Japanese consumers ranked near the bottom in terms of trusting businesses. This is a big part of why websites in Japan are so content-dense. Japanese buyers require detailed information before making a purchase.
Conversely, in America, website visitors will skim through content to find relevant information to their question or concern, and are more willing to take a chance on a company they aren’t very familiar with.
CTA: There are more differences to consider when it comes to Japanese web design. At Info Cubic Japan, we offer localized website design with these key considerations. Reach out to us for a website consultation to bring your message to Japan properly.
Japan Marketing Mistake #2: Underestimating the Competition
When entering the Japanese market, many foreign companies assume their product or service is far superior to their Japanese counterparts. This could spell disaster if it turns out you’re actually far behind the competition.
Most famously, Apple thought they were set to make a splash in Japan with the iPhone, only to find out their product wasn’t up to Japanese consumers’ standards. It took a few generations for the company to find equal footing in the Japanese marketplace.

Not everyone has Apple’s deep pockets to stay afloat while they course-correct, so it’s better to know before you go. Misconceptions about your market standing can be easily dissuaded with proper, thorough research.
Connect with a reputable digital marketing agency who can expertly evaluate your products and services against your competitors. They should be able to identify your unique selling points, and point out any areas where you may be lacking.
Japan Marketing Mistake #3: Not Knowing Your Target Audience
We’ve discussed competitive strategy, but customer strategy is equally important for marketing in Japan. The needs and motivations of Japanese consumers is like night and day compared to those of North American or European audiences.
If you don’t delve deeply into the make up of your potential customers, and the best practices to reach them, your messaging could fall disastrously flat.
Your marketing partner in Japan should be competent in identifying the best customer segments, including discovering where they congregate online. By learning their pain points and crafting the right approach, you can ensure that your messaging will reach the heart of the consumer.
Japan Marketing Mistake #4: Choosing the Wrong Partner
When you’re thousands of miles away from the market you’re attempting to penetrate, a capable proxy is crucial to success. A marketing partner that understands the nuances of the Japanese landscape will be an invaluable asset.
For your needs, an internationally-minded agency with roots in Japanese culture maximizes your ROI. Choose a marketing partner that can relate to your brand message, and also convey that message appropriately to Japanese audiences.
Consider the following questions when deciding on the right agency for you:
- What services do you provide? – You may require a mix of various marketing approaches. Find an agency that specializes in services closely related to your needs.
- How will you tailor your solutions? – Avoid a marketing partner who thinks copy/pasting their approach from past clients is sufficient to meet your specific demands.
- What’s your track record? – You’ll want to know what kind of success or challenges other companies in your industry have experienced. Request case studies.
- How will you communicate? – Establish a clear understanding of how reporting, meetings and email communication will be conducted. To this end, it will be vital to partner with an agency with high English/Japanese bilingual proficiency.
To better understand what you should look for in a Japanese digital agency, read our article about How to Choose the Right Marketing Agency in Japan.
Are you ready to begin your Japan marketing journey? Info Cubic Japan can assist you in navigating the Japanese market by helping you avoid the pitfalls to success. With 20 years’ experience, we understand the ins and outs of Japan marketing trends as well as anyone. Consult with us on your next marketing campaign.